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Following Joy: How To Add Self Care into Your Daily Life w/ Ease

self care tips self love Mar 19, 2024

Following Joy: How To Add Self Care into Your Daily Life w/ Ease

As you might have seen I just added a new series on the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast

that will be released every Monday called, Your Weekly Self Care Practice (Listen Here).

Every week I’m going to be giving you a quick and easy self care practice that you can use right away to help improve your week!


Some of the benefits of practicing self-care daily are: 


  • Reduced Stress: Regular self-care activities help to alleviate stress by providing moments of relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing you to better cope with life's challenges.
  • Improved Physical Health: Self-care practices such as exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep contribute to better physical health, boosting immunity and energy levels.
  • Enhanced Mental Well-being: Engaging in self-care activities promotes mental clarity, emotional stability, and resilience, leading to improved overall mental health and well-being.
  • Increased...
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Are you Experiencing Burnout? 3 Ways to Tell & When to Get Help

Have you ever wondered if the stress you were experiencing was just a little too much? 

I know I had this pivotal moment in my life when I was in my late 30’s. I was newly divorced, raising 3 kids by myself, I was isolated from my family, and I was working a high stress sales job that I hated. 

Also, leading up to my divorce, my partner was absent, not really participating and sometimes away for 3 weeks out of a month. The only participation was a paycheck. 

So, the stress was there for a while and got significantly worse after the divorce just because it’s impossible to raise 3 kids by yourself. Now I had some really good friends that were very helpful, but it wasn’t enough.

There was a 6 year difference between my oldest and my younger two because of two miscarriages I experienced in between that were devastating but the age difference was tough.

My oldest played almost every sport and so I spent a lot of time in the car and on the field watching...

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How to Reset, Heal & Recharge: Creating Your Personal Sanctuary

How to Reset, Heal & Recharge: Creating Your Personal Sanctuary


The beginning of this year has been definitely centered around healing and calming my nervous system. I feel that this is what is needed for me right now and it seems to be needed by a majority of the population. 


For me it’s about taking charge of my emotional state, my energy state, and keeping it steady even though there might be a lot going on, in society and maybe also in your personal space. 

I feel if I can master this then I will be able to handle the stresses surrounding me in a healthy way, without it disrupting my nervous system.


How many of you are feeling this? Everyday it’s something new and if we continuously react to it then we will be in a constant state of emergency or flight or fight. 


Today's topic is about having spaces to rest, heal, and recharge. Creating your own personal sanctuaries in all the spaces of your life. 


You can...

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Going From Chaos to Calm in Your Life w/Deep Level Self Care

One of the reasons I titled this blog post as it is because of a milestone coming up for me. It has made me really think of what I do for my clients and here on the blog and podcast and this was perfect. I take them from chaos in their life to calm. 

So, what's this new milestone coming up?

Big news! This week I’ll be recording my 100th episode of the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast!

I can’t believe how fast it went by and how much fun I’ve had. I’m so grateful for all of the really interesting and cool people I've met and the friends I’ve made. It’s been such an amazing time, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come.

Reaching this point made me start to reflect on what the podcast and my business stand for, what I want to accomplish, and what things I want to add and try moving forward. I’ll cover this in a few moments. 

I would like to talk about going from chaos to calm. It really simplifies what I do but, in a...

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Juggling Passions and Responsibilities: A Clear Approach to Success

I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot lately Juggling Passions and Responsibilities, because it comes up so often in my own life. I have been learning all about human design because we are reading a human design book in the Soul Aligned Self Care Insider group and I’m a Generator with a sacral authority. 

To learn more about Human Design, visit my good friends podcast, The Human Design Hive, HERE

The way I’m supposed to make decisions is to follow my gut. It’s either a hell yes, or a solid no. So, I’ve been trying to live by this in the way I work in my business and life. It’s been very interesting because some of the things I get a strong no on are things that I’m responsible for.

My gut is telling me no, but I need to get this done so I want to share how I’ve been navigating this issue. 

As an example, I love my podcast, Soul Aligned Self Care, I love recording it, I love having guests on, but I hate doing...

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Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

So, what is your Self Care Tool Box? That’s a pretty legit question because it can mean a lot of things. 

A self-care toolbox are solutions you create for yourself that help you work through difficult situations and emotions. It's about learning what helps you feel better and move through those tough emotions and situations and taking note of it in a notebook or journal and then being intentional to use those tools when you need them.

When we take the time to create a space in our journal or if you don’t have a journal, in a notebook where you keep track of what helps you feel better and also helps you move through those tough emotions, you can then respond to your life and not just continuously react.

So, I suppose the next question would be, what are tough emotions?

Well, some of the tough emotions for me would be sadness, stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration. Everyone is different though and so...

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How To Get Unstuck Using Baby Steps

How To Get Unstuck Using Baby Steps

So, you’re feeling stuck. We all end up here at different times in our lives and sometimes it can be brief but sometimes, it can feel like forever!

Now, there are two ways you might feel. One might be that you are completely discontent, uninspired, in need of a change but you're not sure what. The other is you’re comfortable where you’re at and it feels pretty good, but you feel something new brewing. You don’t know what it is, but you feel it coming and you’re not sure how to move forward to stir up the change needed. 

Whatever camp you're in, it can be very frustrating when you just don’t know what to do to move forward. When we are in our comfort zone but at the same time know that a change is needed in order for us to grow and expand, it can feel overwhelming. Anything new can seem so far-fetched or it can seem like an enormous amount of work and both of these situations can make you become frozen in...

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Get Unstuck & Create Momentum in Your Life (Proven strategy inside.)

Have you ever felt somewhat stuck in your life? Like no matter what you try you can’t seem to move in the direction of where you want to go. Now you might feel awful, but you also might feel very inspired with big dreams and goals, but you're frozen in a state of overwhelm. So, How Do we,

Get Unstuck & Create Momentum in Your Life?

We all feel this way at some point in our lives, as a matter of fact I believe we go through this in cycles when we are experiencing growth or need to experience growth. 


So, if you can describe yourself as the first person, just completely stuck and somewhat unhappy, then the first thing I would ask you is what do you want? Almost always the person says to me, I don’t know what I want. Then I would move on to how you want to feel. If life was perfect, what are the feelings you would be experiencing on a daily basis? Start with that. 


Most of the time when we are working towards a goal it’s not the actual...

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Redefining Failure as Feedback for Success: Why failing is important

Most of us have this negative reaction when we hear about failure. 

It’s viewed as this bad thing that we need to avoid. The dreaded F Word!

What a lot of us don’t realize or ignore is that failure is just a part of the process as your work your way to success. 

Most successful people will tell you. In order to succeed or reach a goal or dream you will have to fail forward. 

The more we can define this F-word as FEEDBACK instead of FAILURE the faster we can reach our goals. 

Think about it. We set a goal, or we have a dream. We then take the next step and that is we decide how we will move forward to reach this goal. (The first step) 

We then take the step. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time it's a little of both. 

What happens next is the most important part of being successful. 

  • Do you say to yourself, well that didn’t work, guess I’m not cut out for this and then go back to whatever...
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Creating Your Dream Life, Live in Your Purpose, & Be Happy

Happy New Year!

I love the time and space we have right before the new year. You know from that time after the Christmas holiday is over to the new year. I know, this title sounds too good to be true, 

Creating Your Dream Life, Live in Your Purpose, & Be Happy.

But why not start the year off this way!

If you want to check out the podcast on this topic, head over HERE.

I spend this whole week reflecting on my past year, creating the space I need for the new, and then dreaming, planning, and creating inspiration for the new year. 

What comes up always surprises me. Last year I decided on creating consistency in my business. I would say I was very successful in doing this. 

Now, I want to redesign and simplify how I show up to make it clear to everyone in my world what kind of work I do. My main focus is inspiring women to step into their power and out of burnout and overwhelm, acknowledge their true selves. I do this with mindset shifts and deep level self care...

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