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Signs Your Nervous System is Healing: Tools and Tips

Healing the Nervous System: What It Means, Tools to Use, and Signs of Progress

Hey friend! Let's talk about something super important for your overall well-being: healing your nervous system. This process can truly transform how you feel every day, from reducing stress to boosting your energy levels. So, what exactly does it mean to heal your nervous system, and how can you do it? Let’s dive in!

Before I get started, I wanted to share my journey from being completely disconnected with myself as a person and my body after years of being in a mentally and verbally abusive relationship and not practicing any self care and love. 

I started by setting and maintaining boundaries, removing as much friction from my daily life as possible, allowing space for self love and care, reconnecting and supporting my intuition and then learning to heal and support my nervous system moving forward.

This is the work I do everyday with my clients. Be sure to read to the end to see the signs...

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