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Reset Your Mind This Spring: Declutter, Simplify, and Create Space for Joy - Spring Reset Series- Part 1 of 3

Spring is the perfect time to hit the reset button on your mind. Just as we declutter our homes to create physical space, we can declutter our minds to create mental clarity, ease, and room for growth.

Mental clutter, like overwhelm, negative thoughts, and unnecessary distractions, can weigh us down and keep us stuck. But with a few intentional steps, you can clear the mental chaos, reset your mindset, and invite more joy, beauty, and comfort into your life.

I find this practice to be equally as powerful and decluttering your space. The more flow we can create in the space we live in whether physical or mental, the easier and more pleasurable our life can become. So how can we reduce the amount of friction we have in our lives?

Let's get into it.

Step 1: Declutter Your Mental Space

Mental clutter often comes from the things we expose ourselves to—whether it’s negative news, toxic relationships, or an overload of information. Start by identifying what’s draining your energy and causing friction in your life.

Action Steps:

  1. Audit Your Inputs: Write down all the things you consume daily, social media, news, conversations, email, music, what we read. people etc. Ask yourself: Does this add value to my life, or does it drain me? How do I feel when I'm exposed to this?
  2. Set Boundaries: Limit exposure to negativity. Unfollow accounts, mute group chats, or set a timer for social media use.
  3. Simplify Your Routine: Identify tasks that feel overwhelming or unnecessary. Can you delegate, automate, or eliminate them? I call this the 3 D's, Ditch, Delegate, or Do. As an add on, if we HAVE to do something that isn't exactly bringing us joy, how can we improve it, simplify it, or make it better.

Here Are a Couple of Journal Prompts:

  • What’s one thing I’m consuming (mentally or emotionally) that no longer serves me?
  • How can I create more space in my day for peace and calm?

Step 2: Reset Your Mindset

Once you’ve cleared the clutter, it’s time to reset your mindset. A growth mindset focuses on possibilities, learning, and positivity. It’s about seeing challenges as opportunities and believing in your ability to grow. Here are a few ways you can reset your mindset when you might be stuck in a Debbie Downer phase.

Action Steps:

  1. Reframe Negative Thoughts: When a negative thought arises, ask yourself: Is this true? Is this helpful? How can I reframe this into something positive?
  2. Practice Gratitude: Start or end your day by listing three things you’re grateful for. Gratitude shifts your focus to what’s working in your life. One of my favorite ways to do this is at the end of the day before bed. I ask myself, what is one thing that happened today that I'm so grateful for? Then I fall asleep focusing on the positive and I can't think of anything better.
  3. Set Intentions: Each morning, set a positive intention for the day. For example, “Today, I choose joy” or “I am open to growth.”

Some Journal Prompts to Consider:

  • What’s one limiting belief I’m ready to let go of?
  • What would my life look like if I fully embraced a growth mindset?

Step 3: Add Back Joy, Beauty, and Comfort

Now that you’ve cleared the clutter and reset your mindset, it’s time to intentionally add back things that bring you joy, beauty, and comfort. This is about creating a life that feels aligned and nourishing.

Action Steps:

  1. Create a Joy List: Write down activities, people, and experiences that light you up. Schedule at least one joyful activity each week.
  2. Surround Yourself with Beauty: Add elements of beauty to your space fresh flowers, art, or soothing music.
  3. Prioritize Comfort: Identify what makes you feel safe and comfortable. Is it cozy blankets, a calming morning routine, or time in nature?
  4. Don't Add Too Much: We don't want to create more friction just add a touch of something that will bring you joy and leave space for other new experiences, and opportunities to come into your life.

More Things to Ponder:

  • What brings me the most joy, and how can I incorporate more of it into my life?
  • What does a beautiful, comfortable life look like to me?

Resetting your mind is a powerful way to create space for growth, joy, and alignment. By decluttering, simplifying, and intentionally adding back what matters most, you can step into spring feeling lighter, clearer, and more inspired.

Remember, this is a journey—not a one-time fix. Take it one step at a time, and be gentle with yourself along the way.

đź’« Ready to dive deeper? Join my Spring Reset Private Program HERE or subscribe to the podcast, so you don't miss this Spring Reset Series for more tools, tips, and support on resetting your mind, body, and soul this spring!

Xo, T


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