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Spring Reset Series: Resetting the Body - Part Two of Three

Spring Reset Series: Resetting the Body

Last week, we kicked off the Spring Reset Series with Resetting the Mind (you can catch that episode of the Podcast Series HERE). This week, we’re diving into the next step: how to reset the body.

When I think about resetting the body, two things come to mind. First, resetting the nervous system through somatic practices—because if we don’t feel safe and comfortable in our own bodies, it’s hard to flow through life with ease. Second, I think about how we nourish our bodies with food. What are we using as fuel?

Now, before you come at me about movement or physical exercise, let me clarify: I totally include that in the category of somatic practices. I think it’s a much nicer way to frame it than saying, “I have to work out” or “I have to go to the gym.” Instead, I like to ask, “What kind of movement does my body need today?”

So, let’s break it down into three ways to reset your body for the spring reset.

1. Somatic Practices: My Personal Favorite

A lot of you in the Soul Aligned Self Care Community already know my story. At 39, I had a stroke caused by stress. That experience shifted everything for me, and I’ve been focused on somatic practices for almost a decade now. I’ve learned what works for me in different situations, and I’m here to share that wisdom with you.

The first thing to consider is: What am I experiencing right now? Stress? Anger? Anxiety? Sadness? Once you identify the emotion, the next step is figuring out what helps YOU move through it. Because here’s the thing: we can’t avoid emotions—they’re part of life. Emotions are information. It’s about looking at the emotion, understanding what it means for you, and learning how to respond instead of react.

What works for me might not work for you, and that’s okay. It’s all about experimenting with different practices during different situations and seeing what resonates. (P.S. I did a podcast episode on creating your own self-care toolbox that might help—you can find it HERE.)

Here are some examples of somatic practices I use:

  • Meditation

  • Breathwork

  • Walking, hiking, or running

  • Shaking and dancing

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Hanging out with my dog

  • Gardening

For instance, I’ve learned that running helps me when I’m angry because I have a lot of energy to release. But if I’m anxious, running can make it worse because it puts me into fight-or-flight mode. On the other hand, breathwork works for me in almost every situation. When I’m sad, I just want to cry, spend time with my favorite people, or cuddle my dog.

The key is to ask yourself: What works for me?

To get started, try one of these practices that work for a lot of people: breathwork, meditation, walking, or walking in nature. Then, take note of how it helps (or doesn’t). I recommend keeping a physical journal to create your own self-care toolbox until it becomes second nature.

For example, if I wake up feeling anxious, I’ll do breathwork before getting out of bed, followed by a walk and a yoga class. Sometimes, I’ll even add Yoga Nidra after my yoga class. This routine sets me up for a fabulous day, and I’m willing to wake up early to make it happen.

If this is new to you, start small. Try a 5-minute guided meditation or 5 minutes of breathwork once a day. Trust me, we all have 5 minutes to spare for our self-care.

One more thing: don’t stop once you feel better. Keep doing these practices to build resilience. This helps you respond to life’s ups and downs instead of constantly reacting to them.

2. Movement: Listen to Your Body

As you can see, many of the somatic practices I use to calm and support my nervous system also double as exercise. The important thing is to listen to your body and give it what it needs.

For example, this morning is a workout day for me, but it’s raining, and my body is sore from heavy-duty garden work yesterday (lifting rocks is no joke!). So, what do I need today? A gentle, stretchy yoga class. Later, I’ll walk on my walking pad while listening to my favorite podcasts. That’s enough for today.

On the other hand, if I’d had a totally relaxing weekend, I might have done a challenging yoga class or lifted weights this morning. The point is: listen to your body and give it what it needs.

Movement doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym. It could be dancing in your living room, cleaning the house, or taking a walk. Work movement into your life in a way that feels fun and enjoyable.

3. Nutrition: Fuel Your Body with Love

When it comes to resetting the body, nutrition is a big piece of the puzzle. I’m a total nutrition geek—I’m a certified culinary educator with a focus on plant-based nutrition. While it’s hard to give personalized advice in a blog or podcast, I do have some basic tips that can help everyone.

The most important thing is to be mindful about what you use as fuel for your body. Eat real food. Start looking at the ingredient lists on the things you eat. Do you know what those ingredients are? How do they affect your body? We all have Google and AI now, so it’s easier than ever to figure this out.

Here’s a simple rule: if you wouldn’t give it to a small child, you probably shouldn’t eat it either. When you start eating real, whole foods—like apples, bananas, potatoes, and other minimally processed foods—you’ll naturally cut out a lot of chemicals and sugar while adding more nutrients and fiber to your diet.

It’s really that simple, but I know it’s not always easy. Food can be pricey, and if you’re like me, you don’t want to live on rice and beans (although I do love rice and beans!). That’s why I started growing my own food years ago. Even if you have a small space, I highly recommend growing something. I’m actually starting a series called Seed to Table on YouTube and Patreon you should follow me there if you want to give it a try!

One last thing: don’t get too strict or serious about your diet. Eating should be fun and enjoyable. Aim to eat whole, nourishing foods 80% of the time, and you’ll be golden.

You can also start reading labels on the staples in your fridge and pantry. As you run out of something, replace it with a healthier option. It doesn’t have to be a big deal—just take it one step at a time. Slow and steady wins the race!

If you try some of the things I’ve shared in this second step of the reset, you’ll feel more relaxed, healthier, and energized. Remember: take small steps, pay attention to how your body feels, and don’t take anything too seriously. (I’m convinced that growing up is a trap, anyway!)

If you want more personalized support, you can do the reset with me privately. Set up a call HERE to get the details.

And don’t forget to join me for the FREE monthly Meditation/Breathwork Reset Session (HERE). It’s the perfect way to start your spring fresh and new!



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