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Live With Purpose Series - Set Boundaries To Create Space In Your Life

Set Boundaries To Create Space In Your Life

Boundaries are one of my favorite things to talk about because I believe they are the foundation of a high level of self-care and self-love. Also, I am an award-winning recovered people pleaser so I constantly have to work on maintaining my boundaries for myself. 


First things first, what is a boundary?

A boundary is what you are willing to allow or not allow in your energy space.


I want to start by explaining something really important that a lot of people miss.

We are all different, we have different strengths, weaknesses, likes dislikes, love languages, and different patience levels. So naturally, we will all have different boundaries. That's why it's so important for you to set them and MAINTAIN them. It’s your responsibility to do this for yourself. What you think might be an obvious boundary, might not be to someone else and vice versa. 

This is why it's your job to let them know that this is a boundary...

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4 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self-Care Practices (Part 2)

I wanted to start a new series on the Soul Aligned Self Care News that shares other coaches' and healers' views of how they use self-care in their lives or with their clients.


I think it’s important to have different points of view from different types of coaches.


My goal is to have coaches and healers who work differently than I do in order for you to have the most beneficial and expansive experience when you spend time in the SASC Community.


This is our second Group Post!


This week we are joined by 3 other amazing coaches, 4including myself. 


I hope you find this helpful to you in your life.


Let’s get into it!


Tina Stinson


When I teach and use self-care practices in my life I always refer to it as Deep-Level Self-Care.

The reason I do this is that for me it's not only about some of the more surface-level practices like a hot bubble bath or getting my nails done with friends. Also very important.


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5 steps to find life purpose

5 steps to find life purpose 

Start to live as your authentic self and create the impact your want in the world

How exactly do we become lost or disconnected from ourselves to the point where we feel completely stuck and uninspired in life.

I hear this time and time again especially from women heading into the middle part of life. They just feel like they have no purpose and no joy in their life. Like they are just going through the motions. I call this “Living on the hamster wheel.”

I believe a big part is we spend so much time, sometimes years taking care of other people, putting everyone else first at the cost of our happiness and health. 

Most of this is expected of us from our family, significant others, and also society in general. Women are expected to be the perfect caretaker, mom, wife, friend, employee, and business owner. We are also expected to do this while looking and acting a certain way, thin, young, and beautiful. If I have to hear about one...

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