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TLT Sandwich with Maple Tempeh Bacon and Avocado Spread

 This is one of my favorite lunches and I will also admit to eating this one for breakfast. This recipe is really for the tempeh bacon and can be used for so many different dishes. I made this into a wrap also and just added avocado without making the actual spread. I liked the spread for the sandwich because avocados always slide off the sandwich! In a wrap, they can't go anywhere. Let's get started!

Cook time 30-40 minutes. Marinate tempeh overnight if you can.

Preheat oven 375

Makes enough for 5 plus sandwiches or wraps.


What You Will Need 

For the tempeh bacon:

1/4 cup of liquid aminos, you can also use soy sauce or tamari.

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar

1/4 cup of water

3 Tbsp of pure maple syrup

2 1/2 tsp of liquid smoke

1/2 tsp of garlic powder

1/2 tsp of onion powder

1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper

1/2 tsp of cumin

2 - 8 oz packages of organic tempeh

For the avocado spread:

1 avocado

1 garlic clove

1/2 tsp salt or salt to taste

1/2 lemon juiced


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