This week I wanted to share with you one of the things That is a big part of my Self-Care Routine.
It helps me relax, t helps me spark creativity, it helps me expand and learn, and it helps me heal.
Reading. I've been very into reading my whole life with a slight hiatus during the time when I was raising my kids, I've always loved it and dreamed of being a writer when I was a kid. I remember reading the Pippi Longstocking Series and deciding at that moment I would be a writer. No, I haven't written a book yet but 'm sure will at some point.
Today I want to share with you a few books that I re-read each year that have been so powerful to mem like a personal mentor. One of the books I mention, is new for me this year but I've decided to add it to the list.
There are so many more that I have re-read but these are the ones that I come back to the most in no particular order.
Let's get into it!
1. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Think of this as your personal...