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4 Steps To Help Re-Frame Any Situation

One of the most transformational things I learned to do was changing my perspective on the situations in my life.

The funny thing was, that I did it purely out of survival and didn't even realize it too much until it became a habit. I really would focus on trying to figure out why things, kinda crappy things, kept happening to me. I knew I needed to make a shift from this.

You see, I was dealing with so many stressful things at once that I had no choice to look at them differently. The only other choice I had was to spiral into panic and depression and this was unacceptable because I had 3 young children depending on me and me only.

I could go into deeply what I was dealing with but it doesn't really matter too much. People deal with stressful situations differently so something very stressful for me might be considered a walk in the park to you. What is important is feeling good with the place you are right now and to learn from those crappy situations as much as you can and...

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Five Steps To Setting Yourself up for a Healthier You!


It can seem so overwhelming to stay on track with your health especially with some of the added stress we have today. I know from personal experience that it can feel like a roller coaster ride going back and forth from super health freak to off the health wagon rebel.


Here are five ways to set yourself up for success for a healthier you!

  • Stop buying all that crap! You know what I'm talking about. Crappy cookies, chips. Instead, op-in to making some homemade treats with whole food ingredients. Freeze some so you don't eat all that yumminess in one sitting. You have control over the ingredients and most importantly you can pronounce them.

  • If you have a sweet tooth keep delicious fruit all washed and ready for you to enjoy in your home at all times. It's not always what you might want but it helps control the craving for sweets. Fruit also has fiber included so when you eat it you don't have those extreme sugar highs you get from cookies and candy. This helps...

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