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From Exhausted to Empowered: How Women Can Recenter and Thrive

Recentering Yourself to Thrive in Life Long-Term

Many of us, especially women, spend a large portion of our lives centering others. Whether that be a partner, children, or caring for parents. It looks different for all of us. 

From a young age many women are taught to be the caretaker from our mothers, as they were taught. We are taught to take care of everyone else first, this is our purpose, this is how we survive. At least that is where this behavior came from. 

It wasn't too long ago that women couldn’t have a bank account, couldn’t own a house, without a man. So, as a matter of survival this is what we did and how we were taught your mothers to survive.

Now, things are a changing. Women don’t need a man to survive. As a matter of fact, I think as a whole, women are better at managing life because of the way we were raised. 

But the lasting remnants of this are still around and there are many women who still put everyone else first before...

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