I went through different moments in my life where I would feel very stuck. Sometimes even feeling stuck for a while and then getting into a grove only to be thrown off my path again by feeling stuck yet AGAIN.
I believe feeling stuck is just a symptom of being out of alignment with yourself. Maybe you’ve grown or changed in some way. This is good, growth and expansion are a part of our human experience.
If you’re feeling stuck right now, then this is just a sign that your life needs a small adjustment, and you need to do just a little bit of detective work to find out how to re-direct yourself.
I used to see this as a bad thing, now, it feels kinda exciting. I know I need some changes, and I get to try new things and see what feels right. What feels like, a hell yes.
Now if you’re the type of person who hates change then just take it slow and make small changes. But remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. If you’re stuck and want to get...