Welcome to "Just Breathe" Free Resource Page
I'm so glad you came to visit Soul Aligned Infusions and the Just Breathe Resource Page.
Just Breathe was created with a magical combination of essential oils that will help you destress and create calm.
On this page, you'll find a breathwork & Instructional video on how to use our rollers, a meditation, positive affirmations, journal prompts and details about the active ingredients in :Just Breathe", and an invitation to join the Soul Aligned Self Care Community.
Use all the tools on this page combined with your "Just Breathe Roller" and also any other of our Vibe Roller Collection, in your daily life as part of your self-care practice.
Be sure to join the Soul Aligned Self Care Community so we can connect. You can message me on Instagram and let me know how much you love the Soul Aligned Infusions Products. @tinastinsoncoach @soulalignedinfusions
Be sure to check back often as new resources will be added.
Xo, T
Using The Soul Aligned Infusions Roller To Create An Anchor
In this presentation I'll help you use the SAI rollers as an anchor for the emotional state you want to create in many different life situations. Join me for this quick video.
Xo, T
Welcome To Your "Just Breathe" Breathwork Instructional Video
In this video I'll share with you 4 types of calming breathwork practices to help you reduce stress and anxiety and promote calm and focus.
Xo, T
Your Meditations
Listen to these quick meditations whenever needed to help you feel grounded and promote self-love.

Your Affirmations To Use Daily
Remember to See it, write it down, Say it, say it out loud multiple times a day, and Feel It, feel into the meaning behind the affirmation to make it an effective tool!
1. I Am Safe & Calm
2. I Inhale The Good & Exhale The Bad
3.I Always Have Your Back, I'm Here For You

Your Journal Prompts To Use
Use these journal prompts to help you practice a deeper level of self-care on a daily basis.
1. Today I Am Grateful For? Why?
2. Make A List Of 5 Things You Can Do For Yourself Today That Would Make You Feel Cared For.
3. What Is One Thing You Did Today That You Are Proud Of?

Grab your free download of 30 Days of Journal Prompts to Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Use these journal prompts to reduce stress and anxiety and promote calm.
Xo, T
Download Here
Essential Oil Benefits

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits
- Promotes relaxation and reduces stress - Helps improve sleep quality - Soothes headaches and migraines - Relieves muscle tension and pain - Supports skin health and reduces inflammation - Enhances mood and reduces anxiety - Acts as a natural insect repellent - Assists in wound healing and reduces scarring

Bergamont Essential Oil
- Uplifts mood and promotes feelings of happiness - Reduces anxiety and stress - Acts as a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent - Enhances skin health and reduces acne and blemishes - Can be used as a natural deodorant - Helps in reducing pain and inflammation

Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus oil eases congestion and helps with breathing, making it useful for colds and allergies - It naturally fights bacteria and viruses and improves focus and mental alertness, reducing mental fatigue - It has pain-relieving properties and can alleviate muscle and joint pain - Soothes skin irritations and may aid in healing minor burns and insect bites - Its scent can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety in aromatherapy

Frankincense Essential Oil
Promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety - It has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and pain - Beneficial for skin health, promoting a youthful complexion and helping with scars and blemishes - It can uplift mood and support emotional well-being when diffused or applied topically - Can assist in clearing the airways and easing congestion when inhaled - Known for its anti-aging properties, it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines - Used for centuries in spiritual and meditative practices to enhance focus and mindfulness - Supports cognitive function and memory - Promotes wound healing and preventing infections - Associated with holistic well-being, balancing the mind, body, and spirit.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Known for its ability to balance emotions, reduce stress, and promote a sense of well-being - It's often considered an aphrodisiac due to its sensual aroma, which can enhance intimacy - It uplifts mood and may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression - Has a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing tension and promoting relaxation - It may improve cognitive function and mental clarity when used in aromatherapy or diffused - Is associated with holistic wellness, promoting overall physical and emotional health.

Myrhh Essential Oil
It is beneficial for the skin, promoting a clear complexion - Has natural anti-inflammatory properties - Has a long history of use in spiritual and meditative practices to enhance focus and mindfulness - It can help balance emotions, reduce stress, and promote relaxation - It can uplift mood and support emotional well-being - Associated with holistic wellness, promoting overall physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Peppermint Essential Oil
Promotes mental alertness and clarity, reducing mental fatigue and enhancing focus - Can provide a natural energy boost and combat fatigue - Associated with holistic wellness, promoting overall physical and mental well-being.

Full Organic Ingredient List
Sunflower Oil, Jojoba Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Bergamot EO, Frankincense EO, Eucalyptus EO, Ylang Ylang EO, Myrhh EO, Peppermint EO, Vitamin E Oil.
About Soul Aligned Infusions & South Meadow Farm
At Soul Aligned Infusions, we are dedicated to crafting premium skincare products infused with the highest quality organic ingredients. Our mission is to inspire self-care and self-love by providing a holistic approach to beauty and well-being.
We believe that true beauty begins with self-acceptance and self-care practices. That's why our products not only nourish your skin but also nurture your soul. We are committed to promoting a sense of calm, reducing stress, and alleviating anxiety in everyday life through the power of natural ingredients and mindful rituals.
Our purpose is to empower individuals to prioritize their well-being and embrace the journey of self-discovery. We are more than just a skincare brand; we are a companion on your path to inner and outer radiance.
Join us in the pursuit of self-love, inner peace, and radiant skin. Together, we can align our souls with the beauty of self-care and create a world where calm and confidence are everyday luxuries.
Some of the ingredients for Soul Aligned Infusions are sourced right on South Meadow Farm where Tina lives part of the year.
South Meadow Farm is in the western foothills of the Catskills in New York State and is a small herb farm that Tina loves to spend her time in the garden for half the year.
We source a few of the ingredients that we use in our products on South Meadow Farm. We grow Lavender, Calendula, and Wild Rose and plan on more in the future!
Xo, T
Be a Part of The Soul Aligned Self Care Community
There are many ways to be a part of the Soul Aligned Self Care Community.
You can listen to the>> Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast.
You can follow me on my>> Soul Aligned Self Care Insiders Patreon Page.
But you will always get all the news including special offers alongside fabulous Mindset & Self-Care Tips when you sign up for the blog below.
Join The Community