Speaker 0 00:00:00 If you're like me and you've been feeling all the stresses of the world being thrown at you all at once and you're trying to figure out how to stay grounded, how to stay empowered, and how to stay resilient, then this episode is for you. I'm gonna be sharing 10 daily selfcare practices that can help you do just that. Let's get into it. You are listening to the Soul Aligned SelfCare podcast. I'm your host, Tina Stinson, and I had a stroke at the age of 39 from stress and burnout that shook my world. Now I'm laying it all out the deep level selfcare practices and mindset shifts that I needed that kept me healthy, balanced, and thriving. Join me in this intimate space as we explore healing, resilience, and a soul's journey to alignment. This is where real conversations about deep level selfcare happen. Let's get into it.
Speaker 0 00:01:11 Hey guys, welcome back to the Soul Align SelfCare podcast. And if you're new here, welcome this week I am sharing with you 10 daily selfcare practice that you could use to stay grounded, resilient, empowered, all the things when you have all of the stresses being thrown at you all at once from all around the world. So sounds like quite a task, right? But you know what I'm talking about because there's a lot of stresses in the world right now, and it is a lot to deal with, and we're exposed to so many things in our lives, you know, media wise, people wise, it's just so many things we're exposed to. It can be a bit of an overload to your nervous system. And so how do you stay grounded when you're dealing with all this? How do you stay in a place where you feel somewhat good and at the same time you're still able to move forward? I mean, sometimes I have days where I'm like, what am I doing? Like, why am I doing this ?
Speaker 0 00:02:11 Um, because it feels, when you see a lot of the things going on in the world and you see so many people struggling or being hurt or harmed in so many ways, it's a little disheartening and it makes it harder to move forward sometimes. And one of the things I love about what I do is that I'm helping people, and that's important. And while I may not reach everyone, I could certainly try. And so that's one of the reasons I wanted to do this. And on top of that, I've been really focused on that. Like the last couple of, uh, podcast episodes when I was getting ready to do this week's, I was writing the blog and I usually base the podcast on the blog. Um, I was thinking about it, it, and I was like, I feel like I'm writing the same blog and doing the same podcast each week in a different form.
Speaker 0 00:03:06 And I'm like, is it too much? Is it like too much of the same thing? And I'm not sure if it is. I feel like a lot of times when I do the podcast and when I write the blog, I'm sharing things with you that I'm experiencing myself and also some things that I see maybe my clients experiencing or maybe just collectively all people experiencing. And so I just wanna share the things that have helped me, uh, with everyone and some of the things that help other people too. So as I said, I think there's a large portion of the population in the world right now that's dealing with a really tough circumstances, adding a lot of stresses into our lives. So it's just something that's needed right now. And as I said, I'm feeling it. I'm always looking for ways to help myself learn new things that can help me just feel better and be happier and thrive, and also share those things with the soul, align selfcare community.
Speaker 0 00:04:09 And that can consists of my clients, the podcast, my Patreon, which is called The Soul Alliance, self Care Insiders, my YouTube channel, like all the places that I'm showing up today. Um, uh, and another update is I decided to stay on Instagram. I've been, I kind of deleted my Facebook, I mean, not kind of, I deleted my Facebook and I left my Instagram alone. And I'm kind of glad I did because I recently, um, some of you know, I have a garlic farm, garlic and herbs really. And I wanted to do this big garlic festival this year. And I've been just trying to sign up. And one of the things they want is they want to know what your Facebook page is and your Instagram. They didn't even ask for a website, which I thought was strange. But, um, I was glad that I didn't delete my Instagram 'cause I had something to send to them.
Speaker 0 00:05:03 And if I didn't, they wouldn't have saw the presence or any presence at all whatsoever. And so that was one of the things that was a little bit of a wake up call for me to keep my Instagram. And the other thing is staying connected with other businesses that I wanna be a part of. And that might be the only way for me to connect with them. And so I made the decision to stay on there. Now, I might combine all my Instagrams into one. So I have per my personal one, which is kind of soul aligned selfcare, there's the podcast one, there's the skincare one, soul Aligned Infusions, and then there's the Farm South Meadow Farm. And so I might combine those all into one to just create like, almost like this, um, to show you the connection between all of them. And it's really about just living a healthy lifestyle.
Speaker 0 00:05:56 And I'm gonna, I'm gonna like get past this in a second guys. I'm sorry. You're probably waiting for the 10 practices and I apologize, but I just wanted to share this with you. When I first started this journey of mine, I started as a holistic health coach and the name of my business was Healthy Balanced Living. And that's how I'm registered. And I call it Tina Stints and Stints and Wellness quite often. And I have all these little businesses within that. But I decided to just go back to that original name 'cause it says it all healthy, balanced living. And combining all those things into one and sharing those with you really is like me just showing you how I live a healthy, balanced life. So it's come full circle, obviously. So in times of chaos and fear and uncertainty, uncertainty, it's very important to have mm, a toolkit, which is something I I use that term quite often of just simple, effective, free practices to help you stay grounded.
Speaker 0 00:07:01 And I say free because nowadays there's always like this, this paywall on everything. And so I try to share as much free stuff as I can, and I share a lot of free stuff on my Patreon too. So free stuff to stay grounded, to help you stay grounded, to help you make good choices, to help you maintain your mental and physical health. And so here are some like really good staple habits and practices that are really easy to implement. They're free and they could fit into even the busiest schedules. So like no excuses here, right? The first one is to start your day with an intention. Begin each morning. Okay, my dog might bark. I always keep my dog out. Just so you guys know, that's Millie. She is the official employed guard dog of soul aligned selfcare. Just in case you were wondering, I'll share pictures at some point.
Speaker 0 00:07:57 Um, so start your day with an intention. I think this is really important to have some kind of an intention for the day. And it could just be to have a good time. It could be to stay in a state of peace. It doesn't have to be some big goal or some productive thing, right? It could just be just that to have some, do something fun that day. So begin each morning with maybe five or 10 minutes of mindful breathing meditation, maybe a short gratitude practice, and just sit quiet quietly and take like deep breaths, like get into like a state of relaxation and then set your intention for the day. Um, right now I'm learning yoga nidra, and she calls it the, the person that I'm kind of, you know, following, doing these practices with. She calls it a San Culpa. It's like an intention on the teacher that I follow on YouTube that I do yoga with says the same thing.
Speaker 0 00:08:58 And it may look something like, today I choose peace, or I am capable and strong. I'm go, I choose to step into my power today. You know, it doesn't have to be like, I'm going to get this work done or get this done. It could just be, what is my intention for today? My intention is to connect with the people that I love today. Whatever it might be. Check in with yourself and see what you need that day. Do you need more rest? Do you need more fun connection? And be sure to fulfill the needs that you have. We need this daily slowdown to relax, to check in, and to get grounded and intentional with every day that we have. Our time is so important, it's so valuable, and it's just really good to be intentional with it and not to let it slip by in a state of being, as I say, on the hamster wheel, just doing, doing, doing.
Speaker 0 00:09:53 Because you're expected to do these things and not really checking in with yourself to see what you actually wanna be doing. So start your day with intention. This helps you because it really, as I said, it makes you, you're, you're becoming more intentional about the, the direction that you wanna go in. It helps you feel centered and focused and grounded. And it's just setting the tone for a calmer, more purposeful, peaceful day. So ways to make these things habits. Okay? I am gonna give you some suggestions as I go through these. Pair it with an existing morning routine, like brushing your teeth or having your first sip of coffee. Um, I always talk about like if you, if you have to brew a pot of coffee and you don't have one of those cup machines or whatever, you know, get the coffee going and then do the practice while the coffee is brewing.
Speaker 0 00:10:44 And then after you're done with the practice, you could have your cup of coffee, right? I love pairing any healthy habit with my coffee addiction, , because it's an addiction and it's gonna happen. . Uh, it sounds, that sounds a little negative, but it's, it's not. It's, um, you know, it, it's a, something that I love to do so much. I love my morning coffee and so I'm not gonna skip it. I know I'm never gonna skip it. And so it's a great, um, way to stack a new habit. You could also set an alarm, call it morning intention, whatever works for you. Okay? Now let's move into number two, practice grounding techniques. Okay? Now you could like combine all of these. I'm gonna give you a few. They're like the first four at least can be connected into like a, a continuous practice. So keep that in mind so you can connect your grounding to your, you know, intention setting, right?
Speaker 0 00:11:49 So use grounding exercise to bring yourself back into the present moment, right? And one of the ways you could do this is the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 technique, okay? And this is also something that's used for people who are suffering from anxiety. It's very helpful to get you centered and grounded. So identify five things that you can see, four things you could touch, three things you could hear, two things you could smell and one thing you could taste. Um, on my Patreon this week, I share a weekly selfcare practice, something easy to implement. And I talked about using a candle for meditation. And what I like about it is it does almost all of these things. Like you could use all of your senses, like how is the flame shaped? What does it look like? What color is it? What does it smell like? What does it sound like?
Speaker 0 00:12:39 What, what color is it? There's just like so many of these things, you can incorporate it while you're focusing on the flame. And the more calm you are, the calmer the flame is. It's really cool. So anyway, adding that to your intention center, um, intention setting, I can't, I can't say that for some reason. Um, is really cool. And grounding, once, once again, it helps you reduce that anxiety by anchor anchoring you into the present moment and kind of interrupting anything if you're like spiraling or stressing really hard. Okay? Now, another way to make things a habit. These things, habits, you could use them during transitions, especially grounding. So like before starting work in between meetings before bed, you know, like adding them into those little transition points in your day. I like adding things into my, like my midday slump. You know, we all, you get tired midday, and I work from home.
Speaker 0 00:13:38 I know that I'm, I have a, I'm privileged to be able to work from home. So if you're at work, this might be really hard. You can do a little quick breath work at work. Um, you could do a quick meditation at work, but I like to do a full fledged yoga nidra where you lay down. It's a really great way to like recharge yourself. And I love doing that. And it's not hard to make it a habit 'cause it feels so good. All right, the next thing is moving your body every single day. Number three, engage in gentle movement like stretching, yoga, walking, even 10 to 15 minutes can make a difference in your day. You could do a daily dance in the morning, like a shakeout routine. Um, so when I do my daily checkin, I usually ask what kind of movement I need that day.
Speaker 0 00:14:27 So sometimes I feel like I need to move some energy, maybe I'm angry or something like that. So sometimes when I'm angry, running really helps me release that. Like, it really helps if I'm stressed, running doesn't help. Stress is more like yoga, you know, sometimes I really need to chill, so I'm not gonna do power yoga, you know, I might even do, um, just like some light stretching or just like a full body stretch where I'm not like, you know, I may get a little bit of a workout, but it's not like I'm getting, um, you know, into some strength training with that yoga class. So check in with yourself. You know what, one of the things about physical activity, it helps release endorphins, it reduces stress hormones, it helps you feel more energized and empowered. And sometimes, as I said, it can help you like become more relaxed.
Speaker 0 00:15:20 You know, schedule movement breaks. A good way to make it a habit is to schedule them during your day when you have like little, you know, like spaces, you know, your morning, uh, after work, after lunch, maybe go for a walk. You know, if you have a lunch break, um, just try to squeeze them in. It doesn't have to be, as I said, it could be 10 minutes, a 10 minute walk. Um, and to get started you could start really small with like maybe a five minute commitment each day. You know, five minutes is kind of like doing dancing to your favorite song every morning. That's not even five minutes, but doing that would be super beneficial. Okay, number four, practice mindful breathing. So as you could see, one, two and three and four are, can be combined totally. You know, you could dance out to your favorite song.
Speaker 0 00:16:14 You could ground, you could state your intention. Um, and then you could practice breathing. You could do some breath work or you could do the breath work before you set the intention. Like, do what works for you. Now, I'm not saying you have to do all 10 of these every single day. Just pick something and add it into your day. So you really, I'm really talking about 10, 15 minutes. As I said, these are easy things to add in. So take two, three minutes to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply for a count of four. Maybe hold for a count of four and exhale for a count of six. When you are calming the nervous system, you always want the exhale to be longer. If not double the inhale when you're doing breath work, breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth like you're blowing out a candle.
Speaker 0 00:17:02 I absolutely love breath work and I use it every single day. It actually helped me lower my blood pressure and helped me. It helps me get out of a state of anxiety so many times I can't even count how many times breath work has helped me. So you could, as I said, attach this to your morning intention setting or you could squeeze this in when you're even sitting in traffic and you're getting frustrated, you know, just, um, you know, do the inhale through the nose, the exhale through the mouth, and make sure the exhale is longer than the inhale. It's about slowing down the breath, breathing into the belly, making the belly rise. You're really going to take yourself into a state of calm and out of stress. Deep breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, calming your body and mind. So it's just like scientifically proven to work.
Speaker 0 00:17:53 And I love when you can back these things up with science. It just makes me feel all better. Um, number five, limit the news and social media consumption. Now, I recently did a podcast episode with guest MJ Murray Vahan, um, about talking about the effect our cell phones have on us and talking about social media. And it was so interesting. It was such a good conversation. So if you haven't listened to that, definitely listen to it. Go back and listen to it. I will put the link in the show notes for you guys. So there's so many different ways that you could do this, but setting boundaries on how much news and social media you consume, try to keep it to a limit. Like watching the news every single day doesn't really do you any good. And if you pay attention, like if you're a person who watches the news every day, pay attention to the news cycle, right?
Speaker 0 00:18:49 You're getting the same thing almost every day. And a lot of times it's instilling a lot of fear, okay? Because fear, violence and all that stuff sells, okay? And these companies, these news people, um, not the news people, but the news stations, that's how they make their money from ads. And the more people they have watching, the more you know, ads they sell, right? So it's not about getting the news that you need to, you, right? It's about getting as many views as they can. And it's, it's like that for a lot of news sources. I think it's really important to get your news sources from different places, possibly even other countries. It's very, very helpful. Anyway, set boundaries. I don't watch the news at all. Okay? I do get some news intentionally when I go search it out. I a lot of times, um, go outside the United States to get news.
Speaker 0 00:19:44 It's very important to get other perspectives, right? Um, but I don't watch news regularly. I do go on social media and I do realize that a lot of social media could be very damaging. And I talk about that in the episode with MJ about what it does to your nervous system. It's very, very interesting. So definitely give it a listen. Designate specific times to check updates. Okay? So I love TikTok guys. I'm like a tictac fanatic, but I've realized that it just wasn't really that good for me. And so I set limits. I set a timer when I go on TikTok now and I set it for 20, 30 minutes tops and that's it. And then I'm off. And sometimes it's hard for me to get off. It's very addictive. But I have a, I usually have something planned, okay? When I get off, I'm gonna watch TV.
Speaker 0 00:20:32 When I get off, I'm going to read a book. When I get off, I'm gonna do a yoga class, I'm gonna take a bath, whatever it might be, I have a plan so I can move myself into that activity. Constant exposure to negative news can heighten anxiety and feelings of helplessness. So if you're already anxious, it's really not good for you. Also, getting that quick dopamine hit that we get on social media could kind of like just burn you out, okay? It's not good for you. Once again, listen to that episode. So limit your time on your social media apps. Check how much time you're spending on there right now. You can go on your phone, um, and look at the, the amount of time it shows you exactly what you're doing too on your phone. So I may have, some times I spend like hours and hours on my phone, but I might be taking a class.
Speaker 0 00:21:23 I don't consider that negative time on my phone. But if I spend like god knows how many hours a week on TikTok, I'm like, what am I doing? Like seriously, I'm gonna look back and I'm gonna have like a year of my life gone spent looking at silly things on TikTok. Okay? I learn a lot from TikTok. I get a lot of laughs on TikTok, but there still is that little added note of news and anxiety sometimes on there. And so, as I said, I limit my time. So how to make it a habit. This is a hard one 'cause social media, um, I can't really speak for the news. I don't find the news addictive at all. I can't even, I can't even watch it anymore. It instantly makes me feel anxious before I even just, the sound of it makes me anxious. Um, but you can turn off notifications on your phone.
Speaker 0 00:22:13 You could use app blockers, you could set timers like I did. You could replace scrolling with a calming activity like reading or journaling or, um, connecting with family members. Any, almost anything else is better, honestly, . Okay, let's move on to number six. Connecting with nature. This is one of my favorites. Spend time outdoors, even if it's just sitting by a window, letting the sun shine on your face, walking in a park or tending to plants for some, this could be really hard. Now you guys know me. I, as soon as it gets nice out, I am outside more than I'm inside. I am very connected to nature. I'm very into gardening and farming. Uh, I just wanna be outside all the time. I wanna hike, I wanna walk, I wanna run. That's all I wanna do. But like, for some, it could be difficult in winter, like me to get outside.
Speaker 0 00:23:02 Right now where I live, we have about a foot or two of snow with at least an inch of snow, an inch of, I'm sorry, an inch of ice in between. It, it is so difficult to walk on because it holds your weight for a second. And then you fall through that like second level of ice and then you got another foot of snow. It's almost impossible to walk. Like I, it's a workout to go 50 yards. Like, and my dog keeps face planting 'cause she jumps on it and then eventually she'll fall through and she'll hit her face on the top of the snow. It's just so unpleasant right now. Um, so this morning I got on my walking pad, which I love so much. My kids got it. For me it was a gift. And I turned on YouTube and I did a walking tour of Central Park in the summer.
Speaker 0 00:23:48 I love Central Park. And you can do so many different walking tours. You could go any place in the world you can find a walking tour for. And I love it. Like I try, I go to Italy, I go to all the places, but I try to make sure it's like summer because I just want to feel that. So while you're not getting the full effects of nature, you're not grounding, you're not, you know, touching the grass. You know, it's, it's, it had a very positive effect on me. I was really surprised how it affected my mood. It automatically cheered me up and I got my walkin. So use what you can. Um, I also have to go outside and walk my dog no matter what, you know. So I've had a cute, a few face plants myself, where my dog will start running and I can't move because I'm, my foot is literally stuck in the snow and I just fall over on my face.
Speaker 0 00:24:39 And so it's been challenging, but I, you know, for obvious reasons, I have to walk my dog every day a couple times a day. So why does this help? Like what's the big deal about nature? Nature has a calming effect. We're a part of the cycle of nature. We're a huge part of that. And it has this common effect on our nervous system. It actually lowers our heart rate and our blood pressure. When we step into nature, it helps reduce stress and anxiety. So schedule a nature break into your day in any way, shape or form that you can, even if it's just stepping outside on your front porch. As I said, let the sun shine on your face. If you have a, have some sun and drink, take a few sips of your coffee, tea, whatever you have, give it a shot. Okay? Number seven, practice gratitude.
Speaker 0 00:25:32 Okay, we all know this, right? This is something that we all know, but do we always do it? No, we don't always do it. Sometimes we do it when we're feeling really bad, but the key is to do it all the time. That's how you build resilience. Okay? One of my favorite gratitude practices, because it's so quick, it's so easy and it's instantly uplifting to me, is at the end of the day, ask yourself one thing that you're grateful for that happened that day. So you're not like going into the bullshit list of I'm grateful for my family, I'm grateful for my dog. Not that it's bullshit, but it's kind of a little bit of a cop out because yeah, obviously we're grateful for all those things and we're not really feeling into the feelings of it because it's something we're grateful for every single day. So this practice, what I like about it is it really like makes you think about your day and come up with one thing you're grateful for and it kind of returns you into that moment and the feelings of that moment. And that's when gratitude works. When you're feeling into it, it's not just about writing it on a piece of paper, it's about feeling into the way you felt and why you're grateful for it. You know, I always tell picture people, excuse me, let me just take a sip of my tea 'cause I'm gonna cough.
Speaker 0 00:26:50 I'm just fighting off this sinus infection that I, it like goes away. It comes back. I hate taking antibiotics, so I'm struggling with it a little bit. Okay? So one of the things I talk to people about to really get a feel into the feelings is think of somebody like, close your eyes right now and think of someone that you really, really, really love and picture their face. As soon as you picture their face, I bet you like automatically smile, right? And then just think about how you feel when you're with that person. How they make you feel, how much you love them. You know, you're feeling into those feelings. It's so easy to do it with somebody love. And that's, that's what I want you to do when you're doing this gratitude practice. So really feel into it. It could be really small, like, I'm grateful I got to pretend walk in Central Park, you know, .
Speaker 0 00:27:39 So it could be, I'm really happy I talked on the phone with my best friend today or whatever it might be. Shout out to my girlfriend Janet . I always love to give Janet a shout out. Um, it's always uplifting to talk to the people we love and connect with 'em. Okay? So how to make this a habit. Keep a gratitude journal by your bed. Write it before you go to sleep. At the end of the day, I keep like a crystal on my bedside table. It's like a reminder to do my, my practice. So I hold the crystal on my hand and I'm like, what's one thing I'm grateful for that happened today? And so if you keep that crystal on your bedside table, it might just automatically remind you to do the practice. Um, I learned that from a book I read. I'm trying to remember what it is and I'm blanking out.
Speaker 0 00:28:25 But I did learn that from a book I read and it was a manifestation book. It wasn't about gratitude or selfcare. Um, if it comes to me, I'll put it in the show notes, but I'm really blanking out. Um, you could also share your gratitude list list with some, like a friend or your partner. I know people who, uh, talk about what they're grateful for with their partner before they go to bed. I can't think of a better way to like go to sleep on that like positive note, you know what I mean? All right, next one. Number eight, create a bedtime, wind down routine. Establish, establish. I'm having trouble, trouble speaking today. , obviously I think it's 'cause my nose is stuffed. Okay, establish a calming evening routine. Just signal to your body, like send all the signs to your body that it's time to rest.
Speaker 0 00:29:19 This could be like turning some of the lights down a couple hours before bed, maybe turning all the lights down. You know, if you're watching tv, turn all the lights out. I always feel like I'm at the movies when I do that. So I kind of like doing that. Maybe turning off the TV and reading because exposure to the screen really keeps us awake. Um, doing short meditation, breath work. I love taking baths. So, um, I love going into the bath and doing a meditation in the bathtub. Sometimes if I'm really tired, I won't do this. 'cause I'm always afraid I'm going to dose off and just like inhale a bunch of water, which sounds really silly, but I get so sleepy in the bathtub. Um, you could even do like a quick bedtime yoga practice. I know that yoga with Adrian, who is free on YouTube, she has at least four or five of these ranging from like seven minutes to 20 minutes.
Speaker 0 00:30:15 And if you read the blog, I put a link to the 20 minute one in the blog post. So I'll link the blog post in the show notes. But it's really nice to do, just like, it's not like a strenuous routine. It's like a very quiet, relaxing stretch. It's really nice. I love, I love doing that. I don't always do it, but I love doing it. Number nine, using, using, um, affirmations or mantras. This kind of goes back to the intention setting so you can return to that during your bedtime routine, right? So return to the intention that you set at the beginning of the day and acknowledge how it might've shifted your day. Maybe it didn't. Maybe you forgot all about your intention and you just got off course it doesn't matter, just return back to it, right? But maybe you really kept that intention in your head all day and maybe it changed your day.
Speaker 0 00:31:10 So using affirmations, mantras, intentions, or as you know, as I learned San KPAs, uh, I'm not sure if I'm saying that correctly, but, um, doing this is so beneficial and you could write it out on a piece of paper. I always say when I'm sharing affirmations, which I always share affirmations and like all of my courses, um, see it, say it, feel it, that that's what makes it powerful. So see it, meaning write it down in different places. You could even set reminders on your phone. Say it when you, when you see it, say it out loud, repeat it, write it on the mirror in your bathroom. Put little sticky notes all over your house, however you need to do it. Um, and then feel it, like feel into that affirmation. So like if your, if your intention was to, to stay in a state of peace or, and have a good time that day, like feel into what that feels like.
Speaker 0 00:32:07 That's, that's how you get the power out of affirmations, mantras and intentions. Okay, last but not least, number 10, connect with loved ones. So start trying to spend quality time with your friends, your family, your pets. Even like a quick phone call or text can boost your mood. As I said, shout out to Janet . This is so important. I, I tend to be a little bit isolated, um, because I live in a rural area also. I kind of like being alone, but I do need connection and I need it like a couple of times a week. Some people need it every single day, but I need it at least a couple of times a week. Um, you know, so I am in a very rural area and in the winter it could be very isolated, isolating because it's hard to travel. Um, and it can be just tough sometimes.
Speaker 0 00:32:59 So making plans to leave town visit friends and family is so helpful to me. It just like always gives me something to look forward to. So even if I have like these moments of time where I'm by myself and I'm not really doing much for a long period of time, I'm always looking forward to that next trip, right? That next little visit. Even if it's just I'm going outta town for the day to visit a friend, it could be really, really helpful to me. So schedule regular checkins with your loved ones. Uh, like a weekly call, a coffee date. Use downtime to send quick messages to people, somebody you care about. Checking in with the people, family members that you love and that you care about. Okay? So once again, doing these things is really important. Adding them into your daily practices. See what works, what resonates if it doesn't just leave it behind, right?
Speaker 0 00:33:48 So take what you need, leave the rest behind. But how do you make these things a habit, right? How do you do that? So some of the suggestions that I could add on here, excuse me, are start small. Just focus on one or two practices at a time. And then when they start to feel natural and they feel good, maybe add more pair these things with existing habits, like I talked about with the coffee. You could also, you know, do morning affirmations when you brush your teeth, right? So you could, you could write it on your mirror. They actually have stickers you could put in the mirror. So just like look up Google, like mirror stickers or whatever. Um, do it while you're brushing your teeth. Do it when you're getting into the shower, out of the shower, shower. Um, you could set reminders on your phone.
Speaker 0 00:34:33 You know, you can, um, collaborate with other people, right? So maybe have like a morning gratitude session with a friend, right? Even if you don't live with anyone or you don't have a partner, you could do this with a friend. You could like send them a text and be like, I'm grateful for like, you know how people do the wordle of the day and they send it to their friends. You could do this with gratitude or you know, so like, there's so many different ways that you could add this into your daily life and make it a practice and a habit. By starting to add these into your life, you can build resilience, stay grounded, and then feel more empowered to like face the everyday up ups and downs so that you can respond to them instead of reacting all the time. Selfcare is never selfish.
Speaker 0 00:35:22 It's essential, it's a necessity. And as I talked about at the beginning, you're going to share yourself from the saucer use the saucer method. Okay? So if you're interested in joining me to, to like uplevel your self care or go deeper into it, you could head over to Patreon and join me in the Soul Align, selfcare insiders. The link is always in the show notes. I would love to have you, you could just follow along for free or you could join one of the many tiers that I have. There's, I believe a seven day free trial right now and there might even be 50% off your first month. I'm not sure how long that one was running for, but, um, you'll surely get notified of that if it's still available when you sign up. But I would love to have you over there and if you do join me over there, be sure to comment on one of the posts and let me know that you're there. Okay guys, I'll talk to you next week. Love you, bye.