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Rewilding Your Soul: Unleashing the Power of Inner Transformation with Holly Copeland

In this episode of the "Soul Aligned Self-Care Podcast," I have the pleasure of chatting with Holly Copeland, who made an incredible shift from being a conservation scientist to becoming a certified human potential coach. Holly takes us on her fascinating journey from working in environmentalism to diving deep into inner healing, which she beautifully captures in her upcoming book, "Inner Rewilding." Feeling burnt out and overwhelmed by environmental challenges,

Holly found solace and transformation through meditation, sound healing, and frequency work. She passionately talks about how finding inner peace and undergoing personal transformation are key to creating a harmonious world. Our conversation delves into the intriguing link between personal well-being and environmental health, encouraging a move from just solving external problems to focusing on inner healing and self-awareness.

What we cover:

- Transition from environmentalism to inner healing and personal transformation.
- Experiences of burnout and hopelessness related to environmental issues.
- Exploration of meditation, sound healing, and frequency work as healing practices.
- Importance of cultivating inner peace for personal and environmental well-being.
- Connection between personal well-being and environmental health.
- Discussion of abundance versus scarcity mindset in relation to nature.
- Concept of "inner rewilding" and reconnecting with one's true nature.
- Practical steps for reconnecting with nature and embracing abundance.
- The role of ancient practices like drumming and dancing in attuning to the Earth's frequency.
- Emphasis on authenticity and embracing one's true self in the healing journey.

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Bluesky: Coming Soon..Maybe

Connect with Holly:  Holly’s website: https://www.heartmindalchemy.com/media.

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Remember, deep-level self-care isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Add a little love and care to your life every single day.

Lots of love and care,
Xo, T 🌟


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