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Just Breathe: Healing the Mind & Body with Breathwork

In this episode of the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast, I dive into the transformative power of breathwork. Join me as I share my personal journey with breathwork, from navigating perimenopause to finding relief from stress and anxiety.

Discover how breathwork became my go-to practice for calming my nervous system and achieving inner peace. I'll walk you through one of my favorite techniques, box breathing, and explain how it can be used to instill calm in even the most chaotic situations.

Learn the step-by-step process of box breathing and how it stimulates the vagus nerve, promoting a shift from fight-or-flight to rest-and-digest mode. Explore the versatility of breathwork and its ability to energize, ground, and expand your lungs.

Plus, find out how you can incorporate breathwork into your daily routine for maximum benefits. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, anxiety, or simply looking to enhance your well-being, breathwork offers a powerful solution.

Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips on breathwork in future episodes. And don't forget to check out our upcoming workshop in the Soul Aligned Self Care Insiders VIP group for additional self-care practices and resources.

Join me on this journey to inner peace and empowerment through the simple act of breathing. Remember, sometimes all you need to do is just breathe.

P.S. Want to enhance your self-care routine even further? Check out our Soul Aligned Infusions essential oil rollers, designed to help you create a calm and loving space within yourself. With each purchase, you'll gain access to a free resource website filled with additional practices for finding peace amidst chaos. Visit HERE to explore our products and unlock your path to serenity.

Iā€™m so glad you came and hung out with me today on the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast!

Be sure To Subscribe & Share with someone who could use a little self-care & self-love.

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Remember, always be sure to add some deep-level self-care into your life every single day!


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Be a part of the SASC Podcast Insider community where we talk about Self-Care, Mindset, and sharing the best version of yourself with the world. Join us in The Soul Aligned Self Care Insiderā€™s on Patreon, you can follow for free or get more support on the inside: https://www.patreon.com/Tinastinson

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To get more support, learn about the Soul Aligned Self Care Intensive HERE: https://www.tinastinson.com/aligned-worthy-ps

Check out Soul Aligned Infusions where Skin Care meets Self Care HERE: https://www.tinastinson.com/soul-aligned-infusions

Soul Aligned Self Care Must Have Freebies:

Want my 3 most downloaded Meditations to help you rest, heal, and recharge? Grab Your Free Meditation Bundle HERE: https://www.tinastinson.com/sasc-meditation-bundle-oi

Grab this complimentary Masterclass, 3 Mindset Shifts You Need To Get Unstuck ā€¦For Good, Grab it HERE: https://www.tinastinson.com/3-mindset-shifts-opt-in

Feeling Stuck? Grab my Free E-Book/Workbook: The Ultimate Guide To Get Unstuck In Life,  right here: https://www.tinastinson.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-rocking-your-second-half


Connect with me on a more personal level, here's my Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tinastinsoncoach

Follow the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulalignedselfcare


Lots of love and care,

Xo, T


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