Your free chat session with Tina!

Together we will: Create a crystal clear vision for your most important goals.
Uncover hidden challenges that can sabotage your success.
Leave the call with your next steps lined up.

Xo, T

Schedule Your Call Here!

Waitlist for January 2022 is now open!

Join the intimate year long small group mastermind where we do a deep dive to learn how to reset your health and mindset, crush those limiting beliefs, and step into midlife with unapologetic confidence finally putting yourself first!

Only 20 spots open, get on the list today!

Get on the waitlist

Finally Get Unstuck and Start living big with passion, purpose, and impact!


Grab The Free Guide Here!

Join The Facebook Group!

Join Empowering Women 40 and beyond!

Join me in this FREE tribe for women who are stepping into or are in their second half.

We have a live weekly segment, every Wednesday,  covering all topics helping women reset and step into power being unapologetically themselves!


Join Us Here!

The Secret to Setting a Powerful Goal!

Use this worksheet to dig deep and learn "why" this goal is so important to you. 

Having a strong "why" Increases your chance of achieving your goal tenfold!


How Balanced Are You?

See where you are out of balance in your life and start showing those areas some love today!

Grab Your Balance Sheet Here!

Join The Email List!

Get on the email list today and make sure you don't miss out on all the strategies on midset and habits, stress reduction, self-care, nutrition and movement, and women's empowerment!

Also, be the first to get notified when new programs and workshops get released!

Xo, and Talk Soon, T

Yes, Sign Me Up!

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