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The Ultimate Guide To Eating A Plant-Based Diet

plant-based diet Jul 24, 2019

The Ultimate Guide To Eating A Plant-Based Diet

 In this guide, I will go through the steps needed to successfully start eating a plant-based diet. I hope you enjoy and congrats to you for doing something healthy and positive for yourself and the planet!

Also, if you want to deep dive into plant-based cooking, batch cooking,  and meal prep? Join me for my FREE Plant-Based 3-Day Meal Planning Challenge with the link below. Learn to maximize leftovers and minimize food waste to save time and money in your plant-based kitchen.

Join The Challenge HERE!


-What does Plant-Based Diet mean?

 Removing all animal foods from your diet

Eating plant-based means removing all animal food products from your diet. This can be quite challenging once you learn some of the strange things that have dairy and some seemingly random animal-based ingredients in them. It's all about reading labels and learning what some of those ingredients are. Of course, it's a lot easier if...

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