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Food As Medicine - Garlic

Food as Medicine - Garlic

Hey there everybody! We have heard and read a lot about medicinal herbs and how they’re useful for our health. So here’s a little piece about garlic as one of the best essential herbs that you can grow at your home. It is one of the most commonly used herbs in recipes to enrich it with a delicious flavor and taste as well but the herb works stupendously for certain health care aspects.

Known by a range of names globally, garlic is believed to be native to Siberia but had a global widespread about 5000 years ago. However, it had been essential in medical practices since ancient times. The words of the well-known ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, also widely known as the Father of Western Medicine claimed ~ “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”. He had incorporated the practice of prescribing garlic as a medicine to those in need which almost tells us that it has always been crucial to medicine and health.


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