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Eating To Support & Heal Your Body

If you've been with me in the Soul Aligned Self Care world then you know that I'm very passionate about nutrition and using that to support and heal my body.  If you're new here then I would like to share with you this passion.  

It started in 2007 when I had a stroke and started eating a vegan diet and then in 2015 I became certified as a health coach and continued on to become certified as a culinary nutrition expert and educator and life coach.  I've managed to put all these things together into one package to help my clients put the best version of themselves into the world while feeling incredible.  I believe being mindful about what you put into your body to fuel your body is epically important.  

The one time that this was very noticeable almost instantaneously was when I was training for a triathlon. During that time period, I also went vegan and so I knew how I felt before I was vegan and after.  The difference was very noticeable. I...

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Choosing You - Eating Mindfully To Fuel Your Health

I don’t talk a lot about food a lot when I’m talking about deep-level self care but it is an important part of self care and also about choosing yourself.


When we eat healthy, fresh, whole foods, then in turn we feel good, we have energy, and it supports our long-term health.


When we eat processed crap 0% of the time, we don’t usually feel great but also this habit will have long-term effects on your health you might not see until middle age.


To listen to the podcast version of this blog post, head over HERE. 


Let me tell you a little FACT. When you reach middle age, you don’t feel old. I mean I feel the same mentally as I did when I was younger so I kinda want my body to feel good too.


Making some really small shifts in your mindset and lifestyle will help with this. 


Some of you might not know this about me but I started off as a holistic health coach and then I got my certification in culinary nutrition...

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Self-Care Sunday Live - Food As Your Healer

In this episode of Self-Care Sunday, we will be talking about how to use food to heal the body.

The body has the ability to heal itself, sometimes we need to create the space and the environment.

This is your starting point.



Xo, T

P.S. Be sure to subscribe, like, and comment if you found the information helpful:)

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