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5 Things To Leave Behind Part 3

Hello Friends!

The third thing I want to leave behind as I move into the next year of my life is crappy food.

I kinda do this already, but now I'm going to take it to the next level.

I already eat a plant-based whole food diet most of the time but what I noticed is when I decide to eat something sweet or some kind of junk food it can be really crappy.

Like crappy chocolate, cookies, or chips. 

Instead, If I'm going to eat something like this I'll make sure it's the best.

The best dark chocolate, homemade cookies instead of store-bought, ect.

When you make things yourself, you know exactly what you're putting in your body.

The reason I'm doing this is I want to be in the best health, feel good, and always have my body in a place where it can heal if it needs to.

So I've decided that when I'm going to eat something, let it not just be fun and delicious, let it be a bit better, healthier, than some of the crap I put in my body.

You are either fueling your health or creating...

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5 Things to leave behind part 2

Hello again!

This post is part two of a series of 5 things to leave behind as we move into the new year.

The next thing on my list is hate.

Hate is such a strong and overused word. 

If you really think about it, do you really hate everything you say you hate?

There is just no room for hate right now. Most people are just too fragile, tired, and traumatized even though they don't care to admit it.

We all need a bit of patience, empathy, kindness, and compassion. 

So the next time you say you hate something give it some thought, especially if you're talking about a certain person. 

You may be frustrated, blindsided, surprised (In a bad way) but not in a state of complete hatred. 

Try to remove the focus from hate and if you can't seem to find any compassion for the person or situation, move on to bigger, better more positive things.

Life is short, I have no time for hate. 

What about you?

Xo, T

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