If you knew you could have anything you wanted without fail, what would you pursue?
This is the magic question.
Most people don’t go much further than this because they don’t think they can have what they want.
They might think it’s too big, too much, too whatever.
Or, they might think, I’m too young, too old, not educated enough, not experienced enough.
The bigness of it overwhelms you and it feels much safer to stick with the status quo.
I’m here to tell you, if you can think it, dream it, you get to have it.
Think of it this way. As soon as it pops into your head, it exists. It’s there, bamm, you just started the creation process. Don’t leave it hanging!
Think about the i phone. If someone told you about a dream they had to create this handheld iphone/computer in the 70s you would have thought they were bat shit crazy.
But here we are.
If you’re here now, listening to this, I know you’re the type of person who has a glimmer of belief in this.
You might have always felt different, like there is definitely more for you, bigger things for you. Like, this isn’t it, right?
You have all of these big dreams but because of societal norms and expectations, you don’t allow yourself to pursue them.
You poopoo them before you can even get started. We give way too much power to the “they”
They say that it's not normal and acceptable for you to do this and that, or have this and that and don’t go chasing waterfalls right?
Well excuse my french but who the fuck is “they” and why do they have authority over my dreams?
Truth is, they don’t.
You have complete control over what your chase after and who cares what “they” think or say, right?
Well, this needs to be your core belief to start off. You have to make the decision to move forward believing you can dream big, go after it, and have it all.
I’m going to go through a journaling exercise with you today to help you get past this bullshit rule. So, go get a pen and paper to write on, and let’s do this.
The first step is to answer the question I started with.
If you had no limits, no chance of failure what would you pursue, what lights you up inside, what makes you happy, what could you spend all your time on and feel like your blissed out, in flow??
Now, make sure this is your dream.
Not something your friends would think is super cool.
Not something to make your parents proud.
Not a socially acceptable version of your big dream.
Be sure it's 100% yours.
Now, I want you to take a close look at what you wrote and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and place your awareness into your heart's center.
Then you're going to ask yourself if I had this dream and if I was living it right now. How would I be feeling?
Take a moment to visualize what your day-to-day would look like and then imagine what you would be feeling.
Do you feel, happy, successful, grateful, secure, free, inspired, or empowered?
Write it out but also feel into these feelings.
Now write out, if I was living my truest deepest dreams, what would I know for sure?
Would you know you had the freedom to do what you want?
Would you always know you and your family would be secure?
This is the fun part.
Ask yourself, Now that I’m the type of person who lives like this and feels like this every day, what are the actions I take? How do you feel when you take them?
Do you take care of problems right away because you feel confident you can handle anything that comes your way?
Do you make decisions knowing you're doing the right thing because you're completely tuned in to your intuition?
Do you say yes to big scary opportunities knowing you can handle anything?
Next, I’m going to repeat this one last thing.
You need to make the decision to play big, you get to be this version of yourself right now.
You have everything you need inside of you.
Allow yourself to have this now, claim it, say it out loud right now.
I claim this now, I get to be him/her now!
You might ask me, what comes next, that can’t be it?
And you would be right!
You need to do this exercise over and over.
After all, we’ve been programmed to follow society's norms, and rules for our entire life.
You’ve been told to play it safe for so long.
It will take some work to make changes over to this new version of you.
So put this process on repeat.
Keep doing it. It might even change a bit as you start to change.
Your dreams might get bigger and bigger the more you realize, I get to have this.
Yes, it gets to be this good.
I hope you found this episode inspiring and helpful enough to get the ball rolling.
As I said, you have everything you need inside of you right now.
You have endless opportunities available to you now.
I am going to be having a free workshop in September to give you a jump start on your way to this state of being.
It will be live on Zoom. It will not be recorded because I will be coaching you and a small group of people and the real benefit comes from us all connecting.
You can get on the waitlist here>> https://www.tinastinson.com/core-values-workshop-waitlist
I will let you know when registration opens and if there is enough interest, I’ll have two dates.
I look forward to connecting with you.
Lots of love and care,
Xo, T