In order to start to dream big and to be able to bring these dreams into our reality, we need to get aligned with them.
We know our core values, so we know where we want to focus our energy. But how do we protect our energy and get into a higher vibration in our lives?
Now if you haven’t yet written out your core values, go back and listen to episode 012 of the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast
However, you don’t need to do this to benefit from reading this blog post today. So continue on and listen to 012 later.
We do this by putting ourselves in the right environment surrounding ourselves with positive influences and also, consuming the right media for us personally.
Everybody is individual, they have their loves and dislikes. This can be very personal. But I can help guide you and show you what works for me personally and you can adjust it to fit into your life.
To me, this is very powerful deep-level self-care and love. It’s about learning what you love and bringing that into your life pronto. Making your happiness a priority.
When you can learn how to do this and make it a habit, this is when you feel more in flow. When you are in flow and aligned with your soul you will automatically draw into your life the things you want and love.
Sounds too easy right? Well, it is that simple but not always easy.
Because of the way most of us live, the strong societal expectations, and the demands we think we need to live into. Most of us feel very uncomfortable putting ourselves first.
A lot of us also think that in order to be happy, successful, and abundant, we have to work hard in order to be worthy of it. This is simply not true. This is what we are taught to believe in order to be a good hard working person.
Well, if hard-working was a trait needed to be happy and abundant then the world would be a different place.
We also all know in our souls that when we take care of ourselves at a high level, we then feel better and are able to put our best selves into the world. We now have a better capacity to give, help, and love others. We know this to our core.
But this is not what is socially acceptable, and being accepted by our peers can be very important to many of us. It can be scary to step off the assumed acceptable path and carve out a new and improved one.
But I’m here to tell you this is shifting. More people like you are stepping outside of this box and learning to create their own to-good-to-be-true-life.
Getting aligned is how you begin to do this so let’s get into it!
Listen to the podcast version of this blog post >>HERE<<
The way I do this for myself is to really look at my life, all the different areas, and do an audit of sorts.
Take a look at Health, fitness, home environment, relationships, career, money, spirituality, self-improvement, social life, & self-care and see where you need to improve.
Questions to ask yourself:
Health - How can I eat better, control exposure to toxins, control stress, and rest more?
Fitness - How can I move daily and love what I’m doing?
Home Environment - How do my surroundings make me feel? Do I need to declutter, add beauty, add comfort, do I feel safe, and is the person I live with supportive?
Relationships - Do they support me? Are they positive? Are they Mutually supportive? Does this person drain me or energize me? What kind of people do I surround myself with? Can I be 100% myself around them? Do they know me and accept me?
Career - Do I like what I do? Do I feel Inspired? Can I support myself? Is my work environment good for me? Does it challenge me?
Money - Do I make enough money to feel comfortable? Do I feel secure?
Spirituality - Do I feel connected to a higher power that supports me? Do I take the time to support myself here? Spend time here?
Self-Improvement - Do I learn new things? Do I read books? Do I feel inspired to always be learning?
Social Life - Do I get out with friends and family and have fun? Do I surround myself with positive people, and experiences? What kind of media do I consume? What kind of music? How much time am I on a computer? Social media? Do I get out in nature enough? Do I expose myself to different people and cultures?
Self-Care - What do I do to reduce stress, rest, and take care of myself at a high level? How do I recharge?
This is a lot, right? You’re probably saying “I don’t have time for this”
Well, it should be more like, I don’t have time not to do this. Once you get your life more aligned, not perfect, just as aligned as possible, You will have more time!
You will be happier, more in flow like I said before.
One tool I like to use is the Not To Do List.
The way you do this is to look at all these areas and decide to put all the things your doing, and experiencing into 3 categories.
Ditch, Delegate or Do.
If you don’t want to do it, experience it, or spend time with it, then ditch it!
If it’s something or maybe someone you can’t ditch then can you delegate it? Or spend less time with it or with them?
If it’s something good, you like it and it’s good for you, then continue to Do It!
When You do this activity you’ll be amazed at how much time you spend doing things you hate, and spending time with people you dislike. It’s time to stop. It’s blocking your happiness and dreams!
You might be saying, Tina, “I can’t Ditch or Delegate my mother inlaw?? True, but you can spend less time with or set boundaries with people like this to protect your energy. This can be a way to improve the situation.
So while the Not To Do List will not be perfect for every situation. It will really clarify how you’re spending your time and what needs to change.
The thought of going through all these areas and doing this work could be quite overwhelming, especially if you’re not having a great life experience right now.
My advice is to start very small, in one area, one thing at a time.
Be sure to celebrate every tiny step you take because you are moving forward, toward your dream life, you've made the decision to not remain stuck and to move forward>>
Onward to bigger better dreams, & goals!
So for today, start in the one area that sucks the most, and do the Not To Do List, Decide what to Ditch, Delegate, & Do. Then see how much your life can change just from taking that one first small step.
It will be infectious, You’ll want to continue on because it will feel great!
Make a conscious effort to look around yourself on a daily basis and see what you surround yourself with, who you surround yourself with, and what activities are you involved in and ask yourself the question, does this serve me, support me, or is this an energy/health/well-being sucker?
Does this bring me closer to what I want or give me more of the same old same old..crap I don’t want?
Thanks for spending this time with me and thank yourself for beginning the process of getting unstuck, dreaming big, and moving into your too-good-to-be-true life!
I’ll see you next week when we start to talk about, what you really want. What are your big dreams?
We need to know where we are going in order to get there!
Xo T