Hello Beautiful,
It's not really about NOT being productive. It's more about not being defined by whether your productive "WORTHY" person as defined by society.
I think we're all getting sick of this definition.
I love being productive, as long as I'm being productive in the things I want to do, things I want to spend my time doing.
I want to be doing things that give me purpose and help myself and others.
Today is about learning to check in with yourself a couple of times a day and allowing yourself to stop your production line, or as I like to say, hop off of the hamster wheel.
When you get so busy doing, you fail to check in with yourself to see how you're feeling. If you feel like your soul has been sucked from your body, then heads up, it has, and this is your wake-up call to make some changes.
Now, I know, most of you will say, we have to work, and I have to pay my bills.
This is true, and I understand this as much as the next hard-working person. But you do get to create your own life and circumstances.
Can it take some time to retrieve your soul? Yes, but if you don't start now, then when.
Even when I was a single mom of three I managed to create my circumstances.
You see, when my kids were very young and I was still married I stayed home with them. I was very lucky to be able to do this.
When I was getting a divorce, I wanted to try to not disrupt their lives as much as possible. So I thought, what can I do to make money and still be here for them?
I had no college degree, and I just stayed home, not working for 12 years, hmmmm.
So I said, I'll see real estate, LOL.
You know I sold real estate for 15 years, I raised my kids, I bought a house where their school was. I tried as hard as possible to be home for them after school. and to be at all the sports games, plays, and activities.
This didn't just happen, I created this. As most of you know real estate can be a bitch and very time-consuming. I mean it's 100% commission. But what I did was sell just as much as a needed to get by and then I just didn't work. I was home for my kids. Did my managers like it, no. Did my colleagues understand it, no. Who fucking cares. All I cared about was my kids and I made it work.
Now, did selling real estate make me happy, no, I hated it. But what I loved was what it created for my family. I don't see any other way I could have done this at the time.
Was it perfect? Hard no. But it was better than my other options.
So if you're not happy with how you spend your time, change it, you're not a tree. you can move and change. ( I say this to myself all the time)
The first step in this edition of choosing yourself and taking charge of how you spend your time is to check in with yourself a couple of times a day. Like this.
In the morning, afternoon, and at night, sit for a moment and get present with yourself by taking a few deep breaths. Once you feel calm and present, I want you to ask yourself a few questions.
What this does is disrupts your pattern of doing, it knocks you off the production line, and a hamster wheel. it wakes you up!
Some of us just need a small shift. Some of us need many small shifts over time.
But remember if you don't start now you'll be in the same place next year.
If you don't do things differently, then the results you get from life don't change either.
So commit yourself to these check-ins as often as you can, it takes a few minutes.
Start making the shifts you need to create the new results you want.
Remember to always choose yourself first every day so you can share your best self with the world.
Xo, T
I have a really exciting announcement to make.
Over the course of t2023, I’ve decided to add 4-6 new lessons to my signature course
Aligned & Worthy Bootcamp!!
Those of you already in the A & W Bootcamp will have lifetime access to all of the masterclasses.
The big news is how I decided I was going to do it.
I’m going to create a Soul Aligned Self Care Free Masterclass Series for you and each of the masterclasses is going to be a new lesson in the Aligned & Worthy Bootcamp.
If you decide to sign up for the series, you’ll get to participate in the masterclasses for FREE, and the replay will be available for you for a couple of days.
After that, the masterclasses will be able to be purchased separately or you will have access to all of them when you join the Aligned & Worthy Bootcamp.
As I add the New Masterclasses To The A & W Bootcamp, the price will increase a bit because of the added content.
So the best price of the Aligned & Worthy Bootcamp is RiGHT NOW.
So there are two choices you can make today, you can sign up for the Aligned & Worthy Bootcamp at todays low price. OR you can sign up for the free series below and get a taste of whats on the inside of the Bootcamp and sign up for the Bootcamp at another time or not at all.
Either way, you’ll get access to some of my most epic masterclasses!
Most of these masterclasses will be focused on you stepping into your power this year.
Choosing you, making your goals and dreams a priority, your self-care a priority, and having success with ease and flow instead of the overwhelm & burnout.
So please join me in the Soul Aligned Self Care Free Masterclass Series with the link below.
Or, if you’re all in, join Aligned & Worthy Here!
I look forward to seeing you on the inside.